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ABB pp885 操作面板

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Panel 80O能够支持各种不同语言。此外,能够在运行过程中更换显示语言,例如,标签名等。Panel Builder编程工具目前支持七种语言:英语、德语、法语、意大利语、西班牙语、简体中文及繁体中文。提供700种图标,包含超过400种矢量图标,用来创建整个流程画面,满足复杂应用的需求。您也可以修改这些对象或创建新的对象。通过操作面板内置的SD存储卡备份项目和数据,能够减少停机时间。定时或循环备份数据能够使数值总是保持最新,并且易于在故障后进行恢复。此外,SD卡也能够用来从一个操作面板向另一个面板传输数据(也可以使用优盘)。ABB Ability System 800xA – ABB Ability 提供的解决方案之一建立在市场领先的自动化平台 System 800xA 之上。Select I/O 是系统 800xA 的补充,是一个冗余的、基于以太网的单通道 I/O 系统。


标准Panel 800的型号有PP871、PP874、PP877、PP874以及PP877K,易于使用并提供丰富的内置模板和应用库满足各种过程应用的需求。所有面板都装备有现代化的矢量图形元素、高精度TFT/LED屏幕,以及各种导航和控制按钮图标。除了4’、7″、以及10″N触摸式面板之外,还有16键的7″按键面板和22键的10’按键面板。所有型号均支持宽屏、高分辨率显示,能够提高操作效率。这些面板的铝制粉末涂层外壳材质坚固并且重量轻,工作温度范围-10℃至+60°C。前面板外壳防护等级达到IP66/IP65,能够在潮湿、尘土及恶劣环境下使用。这是在最大限度地提高安全性并在每个集成级别保护数据、人员和资产的同时完成的。


The Panel 80O can support various languages. In addition, it is possible to change the display language during runtime, such as tag names. The Panel Builder programming tool currently supports seven languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. Provide 700 types of icons, including over 400 v the built-in SD memory card on the operation panel to backup projects and data, downtime can be reduced. Regular or cyclic backup of data can always keep the values up-to-date and easy to recover after a failure. In addition, SD cards can also be used to transfer data from one operating panel to another (or using USB flash drives). ABB Capability System 800xA – One of the solutions provided by ABB Capability is built on the market leading automation platform System 800xA. Select I/O is a redundant, Ethernet based single channel I/O system that complements system 800xA.


The standard Panel 800 models include PP871, PP874, PP877, PP874, and PP877K, which are easy to use and provide rich built-in templates and application libraries to meet the needs of various process applications. All panels are equipped with modern vector graphics elements, high-precision TFT/LED screens, and various navigation and control button icons. In addition to the 4 ‘, 7 “, and 10” N touch panels, There are also 16 key 7 Key panel and 10 ‘key panel with 22 keys. All models support widescreen, high-resolution display, which can improve operational efficiency. The aluminum powder coated casing of these panels is sturdy and lightweight, with a working temperature range of -10 ℃ to+60 ° C. The front panel casing has a protection level of IP66/IP65, which can be used in damp, dust, and harsh environments. This maximizes safety and protects data at each integration level Simultaneous completion of personnel and assets


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