Teradyne announces acquisition of Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR) 泰瑞达宣布收购Mobile Industrial Robots(MiR)
April 25, 2018 — Teradyne, Inc. (NYSE:TER) and the shareholders of Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR) today announced the acquisition of privately held MiR of Odense, Denmark for €121 million ($148 million) net of cash acquired plus €101 million ($124 million at current exchange rate) if certain performance targets are met extending through 2020.
2018年4月25日——泰瑞达公司以及Mobile Industrial Robots(MiR)公司股东今天宣布,泰瑞达以1.21亿欧元(1.48亿美元)净现金收购总部在丹麦欧登塞的私人控股公司MiR,如果2020年实现特定的绩效目标,则额外增加1.01亿欧元(按现行汇率计算为1.24亿美元)。
MiR is a leading supplier of collaborative autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for industrial applications. The AMR market is an emerging category within the approximately $1.1 billion logistics systems segment of the professional services robot market and is expected to grow rapidly in the years ahead.
“We are excited to have MiR join Teradyne’s widening portfolio of advanced, intelligent, automation products,” said Mark Jagiela, President and CEO of Teradyne. “MiR is the market leader in the nascent, but fast growing market for collaborative autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). Like Universal Robots’ collaborative robots, MiR collaborative AMRs lower the barrier for both large and small enterprises to incrementally automate their operations without the need for specialty staff or a re-layout of their existing workflow. This, combined with a fast return on investment, opens a vast new automation market. Following the path proven with Universal Robots, we expect to leverage Teradyne’s global capabilities to expand MiR’s reach.”
泰瑞达总裁兼首席执行官Mark Jagiela表示:“我们很高兴MiR加入泰瑞达不断扩大的先进智能自动化产品组合。MiR是协作式自主移动机器人这个新兴但增长迅速的市场领导者。与优傲机器人的协作机器人一样,MiR协作式自主移动机器人帮助大型及小型企业无需专业人员或重新布局现有工作流程,也能容易地逐步实现业务自动化。再加上快速的投资回报,这就打开了一个广阔的新自动化市场。继成功收购优傲机器人之后,我们希望利用泰瑞达的全球能力拓展MiR的布局。”
MiR was profitable in 2017 with annual revenue of $12 million USD, more than triple 2016 revenues and had Q1’18 sales of $5 million.
“Joining Teradyne allows us to advance our engineering and development investments to provide greater value to our customers and further expand our market leadership in industrial autonomous mobile robots,” said Thomas Visti, CEO of MiR. “Teradyne’s worldwide reach, world-class engineering and support capabilities, financial strength and proven model for leveraging those strengths will help us grow in new and existing markets worldwide.”
“加入泰瑞达使我们能够加强我们的工程及开发投资,为我们的客户提供更大的价值,并进一步扩大我们在工业自主移动机器人领域的市场领导地位,”MiR首席执行官Thomas Visti说道。“泰瑞达的全球影响力、世界一流的工程和支持能力、财务实力以及利用这些优势的行之有效模式,将帮助我们在全球新兴市场和现有市场中不断发展壮大。”
“My main focus is to get our mobile robots out to the entire world,” said Niels Jul Jacobsen, CSO, founder of MiR. “With Teradyne as the owner, we will have strong backing to ensure MiR’s continued growth in the global market.”
MiR创始人兼首席方案官 Niels Jul Jacobsen表示:“我最关注的是让我们的移动机器人走向全世界。加入泰瑞达公司,将确保 MiR在全球市场的持续增长提供有力支持。”

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