Fanuc IC695ALG616:工业自动化中的精准信号采集专家
在工业自动化领域,精准的信号采集是实现高效控制的关键。Fanuc IC695ALG616模块凭借其卓越的性能,成为众多工业应用中的理想选择。作为GE Fanuc Automation公司RX3i PACSystems系列的重要组成部分,IC695ALG616是一款16通道单端或8通道差分的非隔离模拟输入模块。它支持多种电压和电流输入范围,包括±10伏、0-10伏、±5伏、0-5伏、1-5伏,以及0-20毫安、4-20毫安、±20毫安。12位的分辨率和满量程±0.25%的精度,确保了信号采集的高精度和可靠性。此外,该模块还具备快速的转换时间(每通道1.5毫秒),能够在复杂的工业环境中稳定运行。无论您是需要对工业传感器数据进行精确采集,还是希望优化自动化控制系统,Fanuc IC695ALG616都是您的不二之选。
Fanuc IC695ALG616: The Precision Signal Acquisition Expert in Industrial Automation
In the field of industrial automation, precise signal acquisition is the key to efficient control. The Fanuc IC695ALG616 module, with its outstanding performance, has become an ideal choice for many industrial applications. As an important part of the GE Fanuc Automation RX3i PACSystems series, the IC695ALG616 is a non-isolated analog input module with 16 single-ended or 8 differential channels. It supports a variety of voltage and current input ranges, including ±10 volts, 0-10 volts, ±5 volts, 0-5 volts, 1-5 volts, as well as 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, and ±20 mA. With a 12-bit resolution and a precision of ±0.25% of full scale, it ensures high-precision and reliable signal acquisition. In addition, the module has a fast conversion time of 1.5 milliseconds per channel, allowing it to operate stably in complex industrial environments. Whether you need to precisely collect data from industrial sensors or want to optimize your automation control system, the Fanuc IC695ALG616 is the perfect choice for you.
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