


Programming of PLC 1. The programming element PLC uses software programming to achieve control requirements. When programming, various programming components need to be used, which can provide countless dynamic closing and dynamic breaking contacts. Programming components refer to input storage, output storage, bit memory, timer, counter, universal storage, data storage, and special function memory. The function of these memories in the PLC department is very similar to the relays used in relay contact control systems, with “coils” and “contacts”, but they are not “hard” relays, but rather storage units of the PLC memory. When the logical state written to the unit is “1 °,” it indicates that the corresponding relay coil is energized, its closing contact is closed, and the breaking contact is open. Therefore, these relays are called “soft” relays. The ALD instruction, also known as the block instruction, is also a program step instruction without an operational target component

Programming language is the process in which users describe a control requirement based on the requirements of the control object using the programming language provided by the PLC manufacturer. The most commonly used programming languages for PLC are ladder diagram language and instruction statement table language, and the two are often used in combination. Ladder diagram (language) Ladder diagram is a graphical language that has evolved from relay contact control circuit diagrams. It is a graphical representation of the logical relationship between PLC input and output, which is connected according to control requirements using terms and symbols such as dynamic closing, dynamic breaking contacts, coils, and series and parallel connections, similar to relays. It is intuitive and easy to understand. Instruction statement table is a language that uses instruction mnemonics to program PLC programs. It is similar to the assembly language of a computer, but easier to understand and learn than assembly language. A program composed of several instructions is an instruction statement table

An instruction statement is composed of three parts: step sequence, instruction language, and action device number. Introduction to Basic Instructions – Standard Contact Instruction LD Moving Contact Instruction, which represents a moving contact instruction connected to the input bus, that is, the logical operation of the moving contact begins. LDN dynamic breaking contact command represents a dynamic breaking contact command connected to the input bus, that is, the logical operation of the dynamic breaking contact starts. 2、 The parallel connection instruction of a series circuit block is called a series circuit block, where two or more contacts are connected in series. When series circuit blocks are connected in parallel, LD and LDN instructions are used at the beginning of the branch, and OLD instructions are used at the end of the branch. The OLD instruction and the ALD instruction described later are both target free component instructions; The step size of both target free component instructions is one program step. OLD is sometimes abbreviated as a block instruction. 3、 The series connection instruction ALD for parallel circuits. A parallel circuit with two or more contacts is called a parallel circuit block. When a parallel circuit block is connected in series with a previous circuit, the ALD instruction is used. The starting point of the branch is using LD and LDN instructions, and after the parallel circuit ends, ALD instructions are used to connect in series with the previous circuit. The ALD instruction is also abbreviated as a block instruction
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