B&R 5AP1130.156C-000触控面板LED的含义也印在前面模块的面板。对其他每个通道重复此操作按下并释放测试按钮的时间。在最后一个通道E/A7(输入/输出7)扫描,再次按下测试按钮会导致指示灯亮起要执行的测试(LED测试)。所有8个LED都应亮起向上的松开按钮后,LED将显示插入式底座上DIL开关的设置约5秒。LED 0显示开关的位置1号(LED 0…7分配给1…8号交换机)。所有错误消息都存储在模块中,可以只能通过按下测试按钮10秒删除或通过电源关闭/打开。A4.5中错误消息的确认远程模块远程模块存储并显示错误独立于中央单元检测到的消息。

5 AP923.1505-O0触摸屏(Touch Panel)又称为“触控屏”、“触控面板”,是一种可接收触头等输入讯号的感应式液晶显示装置,当接触了屏幕上的图形按钮时,屏幕上的触觉反馈系统可根据预先编程的程式驱动各种连结装置,可用以取代机械式的按钮面板,并借由液晶显示画面制造出生动的影音效果。触摸屏作为一种新的电脑输入设备,它是简单、方便、自然的一种人机交互方式。它赋予了多媒体以崭新的面貌,是极富吸引力的全新多媒体交互设备。主要应用于公共信息的查询、工业控制、军事指挥、电子游戏.多媒体教学等。

这个可以确认错误消息通过按下测试按钮在远程模块上通过功能块在用户程序中CS31QU(这也会删除存储的错误消息在中央单元中)通过命令在终端模式下邮件,见第7.3卷第3章。如果错误尚未消除,错误消息再次出现错误:到具有模块的远程模块的总线地址3在操作期间被中断。中央单元中的错误标志07 KR 91/07 KT 92/07 KT93:假设错误标志已被设置为0在错误发生之前确认/删除。在里面只列出那些错误标志内容发生变化。

The meaning of the B&R 5AP1130.156C-000 touch panel LED is also printed on the front module panel. The time to press and release the test button to repeat this operation for each other channel. Scanning in the last channel E/A7 (input/output 7), pressing the test button again will cause the indicator light to light up for the test to be executed (LED test). All 8 LEDs should light up. After releasing the button, the LED will display the setting of the DIL switch on the plug-in base for approximately 5 seconds. LED 0 displays the position 1 of the switch (LED 0… 7 is assigned to switch 1… 8). All error messages are stored in the module and can only be deleted by pressing the test button for 10 seconds or turned off/on by power. The confirmation of error messages in A4.5 is independent of the messages detected by the central unit when stored and displayed by the remote module of the remote module.

The 5 AP923.1505-O0 touch panel, also known as the “touch screen” or “touch panel,” is an inductive liquid crystal display device that can receive input signals such as contacts. When it comes into contact with graphical buttons on the screen, the touch feedback system on the screen can drive various connection devices according to pre programmed programs, which can replace mechanical button panels and create dynamic audio and video effects through the liquid crystal display screen. As a new computer input device, touch screen is a simple, convenient, and natural way of human-computer interaction. It gives multimedia a new look and is a highly attractive new multimedia interactive device. Mainly used for public information query, industrial control, military command, electronic games, multimedia teaching, etc.

This can confirm the error message by pressing the test button on the remote module through the function block in the user program CS31QU (which will also delete the stored error message in the central unit) through the command in terminal mode via email, as shown in Chapter 3 of Volume 7.3. If the error has not been resolved, the error message reappears: Bus address 3 to the remote module with the module was interrupted during the operation. Error flag 07 KR 91/07 KT 92/07 KT93 in the central unit: Assuming the error flag has been set to 0, confirm/delete before the error occurs. Only those error flags that have changed are listed inside.
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