8200-225 单元是 Woodward Inc. 制造的许多产品的一部分,旨在用作伺服位置控制器或 SPC。伍德沃德是世界上历史最悠久、规模最大的制造公司之一,负责开发和生产多个工业发电机、涡轮机和燃料系统控制和管理模块。8200-225 以及其他几个伍德沃德设备都可以从 AX Control Inc. 获得。我们的库存由新硬件和旧硬件组成。旧产品的修复和优化由我们当地的现场维修技术人员团队负责。8200-225 SPC 型号充当伺服阀驱动器,配备大多数燃气/蒸汽涡轮燃料控制系统所需的精度、冗余和响应时间。该装置能够接受来自 DeviceNet 位置需求信号的标准连接,或基于 4 到 20 mA 范围内的连接。这种连接使 8200-225 型号能够准确定位比例和积分伺服阀。8200-225 采用标准直流电源输入设计,需要至少 18 V/DC 到最大 32 V/DC。标称电压为 24 V/DC。

允许的最大连续电流为 1.1 A,而每个典型热负载的功耗约为 20 瓦。标准环境规格适用于该型号,工作温度范围为 -40 至 70 摄氏度。8200-225 享有我们的全面保修,购买后立即自动启动。或基于 4 到 20 mA 范围内的。这种连接使 8200-225 型号能够准确定位比例和积分伺服阀。8200-225 采用标准直流电源输入设计,需要至少 18 V/DC 到最大 32 V/DC。标称电压为 24 V/DC。允许的最大连续电流为 1.1 A,而每个典型热负载的功耗约为 20 瓦。标准环境规格适用于该型号,工作温度范围为 -40 至 70 摄氏度。8200-225 享有我们的全面保修,购买后立即自动启动。或基于 4 到 20 mA 范围内的。这种连接使 8200-225 型号能够准确定位比例和积分伺服阀。

The 8200-225 units are part of many products manufactured by Woodward Inc., designed for use as servo position controllers or SPCs. Woodward is one of the oldest and largest manufacturing companies in the world, responsible for developing and producing multiple industrial generators, turbines, and fuel system control and management modules. The 8200-225 and several other Woodward devices are available from AX Control Inc. Our inventory consists of new and old hardware. The repair and optimization of old products are the responsibility of our local team of on-site maintenance technicians. The 8200-225 SPC models serve as servo valve drivers, equipped with the precision, redundancy, and response time required for most gas/steam turbine fuel control systems. This device can accept standard connections from DeviceNet position demand signals, or is based on connections within the range of 4 to 20 mA. This connection enables the 8200-225 model to accurately locate proportional and integral servo valves. The 8200-225 adopts a standard DC power input design and requires a minimum of 18 V/DC to a maximum of 32 V/DC. The nominal voltage is 24 V/DC.

The maximum continuous current allowed is 1.1 A, while the power consumption of each typical thermal load is approximately 20 watts. The standard environmental specifications apply to this model, with a working temperature range of -40 to 70 degrees Celsius. The 8200-225 is covered by our comprehensive warranty and automatically starts upon purchase. Or based on a range of 4 to 20 mA. This connection enables the 8200-225 model to accurately locate proportional and integral servo valves. The 8200-225 adopts a standard DC power input design and requires a minimum of 18 V/DC to a maximum of 32 V/DC. The nominal voltage is 24 V/DC. The maximum continuous current allowed is 1.1 A, while the power consumption of each typical thermal load is approximately 20 watts. The standard environmental specifications apply to this model, with a working temperature range of -40 to 70 degrees Celsius. The 8200-225 is covered by our comprehensive warranty and automatically starts upon purchase. Or based on a range of 4 to 20 mA. This connection enables the 8200-225 model to accurately locate proportional and integral servo valves.

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