REXROTH VT-HNC100-1-23W-08-P-0 R900958999伺服驱动模块该产品跨越了传统上基于Intel的PC和基于摩托罗拉的VMEbus控制器;因此,对“常规”的一些混淆符号和术语可能存在。已尽一切努力制作本手册坚持摩托罗拉/VMEbus世界的典型惯例;然而,两个阵营的用户都应该阅读以下注释:十六进制数字以摩托罗拉风格列出,前缀为美元符号:例如,F79美元。相比之下,相同的数字将表示为0F79H根据Intel约定,许多程序员使用0xF79。较少的常见的形式有F79h或数学家的F7916。8位量称为“字节”,16位量称为“字”,以及32位量被称为“长字”英特尔公约类似。


REXROTH VT-HNC100-1-23W-08-P-0 R900958999 Servo Drive Module This product spans the traditional Intel based PC and Motorola based VMEbus controllers; Therefore, there may be some confusing symbols and terms for “conventional”. We have made every effort to produce this manual and adhere to the typical practices of the Motorola/VMEbus world; However, users from both camps should read the following comments: hexadecimal numbers are listed in Motorola style, prefixed with the dollar symbol: for example, F79 dollars. By contrast, the same number will be represented as 0F79H. According to Intel conventions, many programmers use 0xF79. The less common forms are F79h or the mathematician’s F7916. An 8-bit quantity is called a byte, a 16 bit quantity is called a word, and a 32-bit quantity is called a long word, similar to the Intel Convention.

Although their 32-bit counterparts are often referred to as “doublewords”, Motorola programmers should note that Intel processors have an I/O bus that is completely independent of the memory bus. The manual, which has made every effort to clarify this point by referencing registers and logical entities in input/output, separates the space by prefixing the input/output address. Therefore, the register at “I/O $140” is not the same as the register at “140” because the latter is on the memory bus and the former is on the input/output bus. Intel programmers should note that this manual uses linear, “flat memory” models instead of old segments: offset models are related to Intel real mode programming.

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