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EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1 工业显示屏模块

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EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1工业显示屏模块是一款功能强大的工业显示屏,具有以下特点和功能:示屏尺寸为10.4英寸,分辨率为800×600。采用TFT液晶显示技术,示效果清晰,色彩鲜艳。支持多种显示模式,包括全屏、分屏、画中画等。支持多种触控方式,包括电容触控和电阻触控。内置多种界面元素,包括按钮、输入框、图像等,方便用户进行交互操作。支持多种通信接口,包括串口、以太网、USB等,方便用户与其他设备进行数据传输和控制。具有抗震、抗干扰等特点,适给于工业环境的使用。内置多种安全功能,包括密码保护、访问控制等,保证系统的安全性。总之,EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1工业显示屏模块是一款功能强大、 稳定可靠的工业显示屏,可广泛应用于工业自动化、机械制造、能源管理等领域。


然而,它允许使用外部控制器或PLCQ集成到任何现有的控制方案中。它与PNP和NPN逻辑风格的光电眼接口。DriveControl EC100ZPA与流行的Interroll Inelliveyor累积控制系统向后兼容,可与Interroll的新型Z- card轻松连接,以完成各种累积应用、单区域以及多区域协调解决方案。它还提供了增强的诊断能力,具有无需PLC监控即可识别系统特定故障的指示器Interoll的RollerDrive EC100满足了客户对更高功率和成本效益的需求。24 VDC电动从动滚轮是传统切向皮带、动力轴、链条和链轮传动系统的经济、安全的替代产品,具賄更高的控制能力,可满足移动更重负载的需求。RollerDrive EC100提供高达70%的扭矩增加,成本与功能较少的电动从动辊相当。


The EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-11 industrial display module is a powerful industrial display screen with the following characteristics and functions: the display screen size is 10.4 inches, and the resolution is 800×600. Using TFT liquid crystal display technology, the display effect is clear and the colors are bright. Supports multiple display modes, including full screen, split screen, and picture in picture. Supports multiple touch modes, including capacitive touch and resistive touch. Built in multiple interface elements, including buttons, input boxes, images, etc., facilitate user interaction operations. Support multiple communication interfaces, including serial port, Ethernet, USB, etc., to facilitate data transmission and control between users and other devices. It has characteristics such as earthquake resistance and anti-interference, and is suitable for use in industrial environments. Built in multiple security features, including password protection, access control, etc., ensure the security of the system. In summary, the EATON XV-440-10TVB-1-13-11 industrial display module is a powerful, stable and reliable industrial display screen that can be widely used in industrial automation, mechanical manufacturing, energy management and other fields.


However, it allows for the integration of external controllers or PLCQs into any existing control scheme. It interfaces with PNP and NPN logic style photoelectric eyes. DriveControl EC100ZPA is backward compatible with the popular Interroll Inelliverer cumulative control system and can easily connect with Interroll’s new Z-card to complete various cumulative applications, single area, and multi area coordination solutions. It also provides enhanced diagnostic capabilities, with an indicator Interoll that can identify system specific faults without the need for PLC monitoring. The RollerDrive EC100 meets the customer’s demand for higher power and cost-effectiveness. The 24 VDC electric driven roller is an economical and safe alternative to traditional tangential belt, power shaft, chain and sprocket transmission systems, with higher control capabilities to meet the needs of moving heavier loads. The RollerDrive EC100 provides up to 70% torque increase, which is comparable in cost to electric driven rollers with fewer features.




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