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3BSE008538R1 总线终结器 确保总线上的数据传输稳定可靠

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3BSE008538R1 总线终结器是用于告诉SCSI主控制器整条总线在何处终结,并发出一个反射信号给控制器的设备。它通常需要在两个物理终端作一个终结信号才能使用SCSI总线,以防止干扰。3BSE008538R1 总线终结器有以下几个特点:终结信号的发出:总线终结器能够发出终结信号,告知控制器总线已到达物理终端。这有助于确保总线上的数据传输在正确的位置结束,避免数据丢失或损坏。防止干扰:通过在物理终端设置终结器,可以防止其他设备或信号对总线造成干扰,确保总线上的数据传输稳定可靠。兼容性:总线终结器通常是与特定总线和控制器兼容的,因此用户需要确保选择与自己使用的总线和控制器相匹配的终结器。易于安装和使用:总线终结器设计简单,易于安装和使用。大多数情况下,用户只需将其连接到总线的物理终端即可。多种类型:根据不同的应用需求,3BSE008538R1 总线终结器有多种类型,如自终结设备、物理总线终结器和自终结电缆等。用户可以根据自己的具体需求选择适合的终结器类型。总结而言,总线终结器的特点是能够发出终结信号、防止干扰、与特定总线和控制器兼容、易于安装和使用以及具有多种类型可供选择。


The 3BSE008538R1 bus terminator is a device used to tell the SCSI main controller where the entire bus is terminated and send a reflection signal to the controller. It usually requires a termination signal at two physical terminals to use the SCSI-bus to prevent interference. The 3BSE008538R1 bus terminator has the following characteristics: the issuance of termination signals: the bus terminator can issue termination signals to inform the controller that the bus has reached the physical terminal. This helps to ensure that data transmission on the bus ends at the correct location, avoiding data loss or damage. Prevent interference: By setting terminators at physical terminals, other devices or signals can be prevented from interfering with the bus, ensuring stable and reliable data transmission on the bus. Compatibility: Bus terminators are usually compatible with specific buses and controllers, so users need to ensure that they choose a terminator that matches the bus and controller they are using. Easy to install and use: The bus terminator is designed to be simple, easy to install and use. In most cases, users only need to connect it to the physical terminal of the bus. Multiple types: According to different application requirements, there are various types of 3BSE008538R1 bus terminators, such as self terminating devices, physical bus terminators, and self terminating cables. Users can choose the appropriate type of terminator based on their specific needs. In summary, the characteristics of bus terminators are the ability to emit termination signals, prevent interference, be compatible with specific buses and controllers, be easy to install and use, and have multiple types to choose from.


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216NG63A 531X190SRCAGG1 1785-L40C15 3009 AI820  3BSE008544R1 ABB DSQC1023
216VC62a 531X190SRCAGG2 1785-L80B 5304-MBP-PDPM AI830  3BSE008518R1 ABB  DAPI  100  3AST000929R109
369-HI-R-M-0-0-0-E 531X190SRCAGG4 1785T-PMPP-1700 9907-028 CI547 ABB  DSAI  110  57120001-DP

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