PFXA401 3BSE024388R1工控PLC系统模块 现货
3BSEO24388R3 PFXA401F ABB 控制单元多路传输控制单元
PFXA401SF 3BSEO24388R4工控PLC系统模块现货
控制单元,英文Control Unit(Cu),是CPU部件之一,有时也安装与CPU外部。其基本功能是从内存取指令、分析指令和执行指令。控制单元是实现一种或多种控制规律的控制仪表或控制部件。如:多路传输控制单元、代理设置控制单元。
3BSEO24388R3 PFXA401F ABB Control Unit Multiplex Transmission Control Unit
PFXA401SF 3BSEO24388R4 industrial control PLC system module in stock
Control Unit (Cu), also known as Control Unit, is one of the CPU components and is sometimes installed externally to the CPU. Its basic function is to fetch instructions from memory, analyze instructions, and execute instructions. A control unit is a control instrument or component that implements one or more control laws. For example: multiplex transmission control unit, proxy setting control unit.
Regardless of the type of control unit, the principle is to control various parts of the CPU through control signals sent by the control unit. Control units can generally be divided into the following two categories. Microprogram style, where control signals are read and issued by the microprogram. The microprogram is executed through a simple digital path (microcomputer) called a mini sequencer.
Hardware type control unit. Directly issuing control signals through digital channels. Due to the scaling of integrated circuits and advancements in design technology, this type of control unit has become possible
It sequentially retrieves each instruction from the memory based on the user’s pre programmed program and places it in the instruction register IR. Through instruction decoding (analysis), it determines what operation should be performed. Then, through the operation controller OC, it sends micro operation control signals to the corresponding components according to the determined timing. The operating controller OC mainly includes control logic such as beat pulse generator, control matrix, clock pulse generator, reset circuit, and start stop circuit. Analyze the inherent PPI communication protocol within the PLC through hardware and software listening methods, and then use VB programming on the upper computer to read and write PLC data following the PPI communication protocol
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