MVI56E-MCM 控制器/驱动板 进口电源模 伺服轴通讯模块
高性能通信:该模块支持多种通信协议,包括Modbus TCP/IP、EtherNet/IP、DF1等,适应于不同的应用场景。它具有高速传输和稳定性,支持多种网络拓扑结构,包括星型、环型、总线型等。
独立可配置的串行端口:该模块具有两个可独立配置的串行端口,这些端口支持RS232 / RS485和RS422电气标准。每个端口都可以独立运行Modbus网络,为用户提供更多的灵活性。
强大的诊断和配置功能:该模块配有一个RJ45以太网端口形式的调试/配置端口,支持10/100 base-T传输速度。这使得用户可以通过这个端口进行模块的诊断和配置。


Prosoft’s MVI56E-MCM servo axis communication module has the following product features:
High-performance communication: The module supports a variety of communication protocols, including Modbus TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, DF1, etc., adapting to different application scenarios. It has high-speed transmission and stability, and supports a variety of network topologies, including star, ring, and bus.
Flexible Configuration: Each MVI56E port can be configured as a master or slave port, which provides users with great flexibility to adjust the port configuration according to actual needs.
Powerful Backplane Functionality: The MVI56E-MCM and MVI56E-MCMXT can be used as ControlLogix backplanes to enable Modbus data to be displayed as processor I/O data. This allows for seamless integration into existing ControlLogix systems.
Independently Configurable Serial Ports: The module features two independently configurable serial ports that support the RS232 / RS485 and RS422 electrical standards. Each port can run a Modbus network independently, providing users with additional flexibility.
Powerful Diagnostic and Configuration Functions: The module is equipped with a debugging/configuration port in the form of an RJ45 Ethernet port that supports 10/100 base-T transmission speeds. This allows users to diagnose and configure the module through this port.
Stable operation in harsh environments: the MVI56E-MCM has a conformal coating that protects it from harsh or corrosive conditions. This allows it to operate stably at high temperatures or in other harsh environments.
Backward Compatibility: All MVI56E products are backward compatible with earlier MVI56 modules and can be replaced without changing the existing controller program.
Powerful additional features: The module supports a 10,000-word database, allowing more data to be collected from the device for improved operational performance. In addition, it supports module configurations stored in RSLogix, eliminating the need for additional programming or configuration software.
Overall, Prosoft’s MVI56E-MCM Servo Axis Communication Module is a powerful, highly flexible and adaptable communication module for harsh environments and is suitable for a wide range of Modbus communication needs.
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