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GE RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 火焰传感器 成都阳光熹禾

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高可靠性:由于碳化硅对火焰的存在更敏感,RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404传感器在恶劣的工作环境下,如高温、高湿等条件下,仍能稳定地工作。


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产品详细信息:RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 GE 火焰传感器

RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404火焰传感器是一款高性能火焰传感器,专为各种工业应用而设计,能够保障工业生产的安全。RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404是一款采用碳化硅材料的高性能火焰传感器,具有宽工作温度范围、高可靠性和易于维护且可定制化的特点,适用于各种工业领域,如石油、天然气、冶铁等,能够快速准确地检测到火焰或高温气体,并发出警报或控制信号,保障工业生产的安全。

  1. 高性能材料
    • 采用碳化硅(SiC)作为传感器材料,具有高速、高灵敏度和高可靠性等特点。
    • 碳化硅材料使得该火焰传感器对火焰产生的紫外线波长较长的成分更敏感,有助于在液体干燥、低氮氧化物应用以及具有显著水平的水和蒸汽的环境中更好地探测到火焰。
  2. 宽工作温度范围
    • 可以在高温环境下工作,检测到的火焰或高温气体的温度范围较宽。
    • 这使得它适用于各种工业领域,如石油、天然气、冶铁等,能够快速准确地检测到火焰或高温气体,并发出警报或控制信号,保障工业生产的安全。

RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404

产品详细参数:RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 GE 火焰传感器

  1. 高可靠性
    • 由于碳化硅对火焰的存在更敏感,RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404传感器在恶劣的工作环境下,如高温、高湿等条件下,仍能稳定地工作。
  2. 易于维护且可定制化
    • 该火焰传感器具有易于维护的特点,并且可以根据具体的应用需求进行定制,以满足不同用户的需求。

RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 GE  应用领域:


Product details: RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 GE flame sensor

RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 flame sensor is a high-performance flame sensor designed specifically for various industrial applications, ensuring the safety of industrial production. RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 is a high-performance flame sensor made of silicon carbide material. It has the characteristics of wide working temperature range, high reliability, easy maintenance, and customization. It is suitable for various industrial fields, such as oil, natural gas, iron smelting, etc. It can quickly and accurately detect flames or high-temperature gases, and issue alarms or control signals to ensure the safety of industrial production.

High performance materials:
The use of silicon carbide (SiC) as a sensor material has the characteristics of high speed, high sensitivity, and high reliability.
The silicon carbide material makes the flame sensor more sensitive to components with longer ultraviolet wavelengths generated by the flame, which helps to better detect flames in liquid drying, low nitrogen oxide applications, and environments with significant levels of water and steam.
Wide operating temperature range:
It can work in high-temperature environments and can detect flames or high-temperature gases with a wide temperature range.
This makes it suitable for various industrial fields, such as oil, natural gas, iron smelting, etc. It can quickly and accurately detect flames or high-temperature gases, and issue alarms or control signals to ensure the safety of industrial production.
Product detailed parameters: RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 GE flame sensor
High reliability:
Due to the sensitivity of silicon carbide to the presence of flames, the RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 sensor can still operate stably in harsh working environments such as high temperature and humidity.
Easy to maintain and customizable:
This flame sensor has the characteristic of easy maintenance and can be customized according to specific application needs to meet the needs of different users.
RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 GE application areas:

Suitable for various industrial fields, such as oil, natural gas, iron smelting, etc., it can quickly and accurately detect flames or high-temperature gases, and issue alarms or control signals to ensure the safety of industrial production.

其他型号推荐:RS-FS-9001 362A1052P404 GE 火焰传感器

ABB MODULE 5SXE050151 3BHB003151P104 IGC ABB MODULE 5SXE050151 3BHB003151P104 IGCT
ABB 5SHX06F6004 3BHB003387R0101 IGCT MOD ABB 5SHX06F6004 3BHB003387R0101 IGCT MODULE
ABB 5SHX0660F0002 Silicon controlled ABB 5SHX0660F0002 Silicon controlled
ABB GVC703AE01 3BHL00386P0101 Silicon co ABB GVC703AE01 3BHL00386P0101 Silicon controlled
ABB IGCT 5SHX0660F0001 3BHB003387R0101 ABB IGCT 5SHX0660F0001 3BHB003387R0101
ABB 5SHX0445D0001 Gate turn-off thyristo ABB 5SHX0445D0001 Gate turn-off thyristor module
ABB 5SHX0360D0001 Gate Module ABB 5SHX0360D0001 Gate Module
ABB 5SHY5055L0002 3BHE019719R0101 Commut ABB 5SHY5055L0002 3BHE019719R0101 Commutated Thyristor
ABB Silicon controlled AC10272001R0101 5 ABB Silicon controlled AC10272001R0101 5SXE08-0167
ABB IGCT 5SHY5045L0020 5SXE10-0181 Commu ABB IGCT 5SHY5045L0020 5SXE10-0181 Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 IGCT M ABB 5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 IGCT MODULE
ABB 5SHY4045L0004 3BHB021400R0002 IGCT M ABB 5SHY4045L0004 3BHB021400R0002 IGCT MODULE
ABB IGCT 5SHY4045L0002 silicon controlle ABB IGCT 5SHY4045L0002 silicon controlled
ABB 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 Commut ABB 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY35L4522 Asymmetric Integrated Ga ABB 5SHY35L4522 Asymmetric Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor
ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4521 Controller Circuit ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4521 Controller Circuit Board
ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4520 Controller Circuit ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4520 Controller Circuit Board
ABB 5SHY35L4512 Asymmetric Integrated Ga ABB 5SHY35L4512 Asymmetric Integrated Gate- Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY35L4511 Commutated Thyristor ABB 5SHY35L4511 Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY35L4510 3BHE014105R0001 silicon ABB 5SHY35L4510 3BHE014105R0001 silicon controlled
ABB Inverter 5SXE01-0127 3BHB004692R0002 ABB Inverter 5SXE01-0127 3BHB004692R0002 silicon controlled

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