产品细节说明:PLX35-NB2 ProSoft 远程连接模块
- 远程访问:通过部署PLX35-NB2并创建Belden Horizon™帐户,用户可以远程访问自动化设备,减少差旅并节省资金 。
- 安全性:集成了EasyBridge™安全远程访问功能,提供了一种简便的方法将PLC软件连接到远程PLC,同时不需要额外软件即可提高网络安全性 。
- 本地控制:支持通过EtherNet/IP™消息在本地启用/禁用远程访问,确保用户可以根据实际需求灵活控制远程访问权限 。
- 不支持路由:网桥不支持路由功能,确保仅与目标LAN建立通信,提高数据传输的安全性和可靠性 。
- 文件传输:支持跨分段网络传输文件,方便用户在不同网络段之间共享和传输数据 。
- 应用领域:PLX35-NB2远程网关网桥连接模块广泛应用于需要远程监控、调试和维护自动化设备的工业自动化领域 。

产品详情参数 :PLX35-NB2 ProSoft 远程连接模块
- 服务器连接数量:Class 3服务器的连接数量为5。
- 支持的消息类型:PCCC和CIP。
- 客户端连接:2个已连接,1个未连接。
- I/O连接数量:Class 1具有2个I/O连接,I/O连接大小为248/248。
- RPI时间:每个连接5毫秒。
- 支持的CIP服务 包括0x4C(CIP数据表读取)和0x4D(CIP数据表写入)。
- 命令列表:每个客户端支持100条命令,每条命令可以配置为命令类型、IP地址、寄存器到/从寻址以及字/位计数 。
PLX35-NB2 ProSoft 应用领域:
PLX35-NB2远程网关网桥连接模块广泛应用于需要远程监控、调试和维护自动化设备的工业自动化领域 。PLX35-NB2模块提供灵活、高效和安全的工业自动化和远程监控解决方案,具有支持多种通信协议、安全措施、配置和编程工具、网络诊断功能以及数据记录和报告功能
Product Details: PLX35-NB2 ProSoft Remote Connection Module
Remote access: Deploying PLX35-NB2 and creating Belden Horizon ™ Accounts allow users to remotely access automated devices, reducing travel expenses and saving money.
Security: Integrated with EasyBridge ™ The secure remote access function provides a convenient way to connect PLC software to remote PLCs without the need for additional software to improve network security.
Local control: supports EtherNet/IP ™ Enable/disable remote access locally to ensure that users can flexibly control remote access permissions according to their actual needs.
Not supporting routing: The bridge does not support routing function, ensuring communication is only established with the target LAN to improve the security and reliability of data transmission.
File transfer: Supports cross segment network file transfer, making it convenient for users to share and transfer data between different network segments.
Application field: The PLX35-NB2 remote gateway bridge connection module is widely used in the industrial automation field that requires remote monitoring, debugging, and maintenance of automation equipment.
Product Details and Parameters: PLX35-NB2 ProSoft Remote Connection Module
Number of server connections: The number of connections for Class 3 servers is 5.
Supported PLC types: including PLC2 PLC5、SLC、CLX、CMPLX、MICROLX。
Supported message types: PCCC and CIP.
Client connection: 2 are connected, 1 is not connected.
Number of I/O connections: Class 1 has 2 I/O connections, with a size of 248/248.
RPI time: 5 milliseconds per connection.
The supported CIP services include 0x4C (CIP data table read) and 0x4D (CIP data table write).
Command List: Each client supports 100 commands, each of which can be configured as a command type, IP address, register to/from addressing, and word/bit count.
Application areas of PLX35-NB2 ProSoft:
The PLX35-NB2 remote gateway bridge connection module is widely used in the industrial automation field that requires remote monitoring, debugging, and maintenance of automation equipment. The PLX35-NB2 module provides a flexible, efficient, and secure industrial automation and remote monitoring solution, with support for multiple communication protocols, security measures, configuration and programming tools, network diagnostics, and data recording and reporting capabilities
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