
比如模拟量输入模块是判断好坏,可以给出标准信号看采集的值是否正确,模拟量输出模块输出-一个值。如果测量范围一致,可以通过输入和输出来测量。模拟量模块一起有输入输出, 开关量模块也-起有输入输出。这样的模块可以节省空间。因为如果不是这样集成的话,如果需要输入输出的话,至少要订两个模块,如果这样排列的话,只需要一个模块。 集成在一起的输入/输出模块意味着 在同-个模块上既有输入信号又有输出信号。其他领域使用的模拟量输入/输出模块的功能还包括各种采集功能、控制功能、显示功能远程管理功能、报警功能和存储功能。采集功能是采集压力、温度、位移等变送器的标准信号。采集流量计和脉冲表的流量数据;收集水泵或阀[的运行状态、设备的供电状态、门的开关状态。控制功能是支持自动控制、远程控制泵、阀门等控制设备。显示功能为数码管显示,可选LCD显示,外置显示屏。远程管理功能支持通过GPRS传输设备进行远程参数设置和程序升级。如果报警功能的监测数据超过限值,立即报告报警信息。存储功能:本机循环存储监控数据,断电不会丢失。

The analog input/output module represents any value that continuously changes within a fixed range, and is the opposite state representation of a digital quantity. Usually, analog quantities are used to collect and represent parameters such as voltage, current, or frequency of things. Drive the hardware output and related data channels, select the current set value based on the operating mode, or reverse it as needed, and provide the results to the hardware output or software output. This is the analog input module. The analog input module is an intelligent module that can collect analog values such as voltage, current, thermocouple, thermal resistance, temperature, etc., and transmit them to the computer through the 485 bus. The main function of the analog output module is actually to convert the input digital signal into a digital analog, and output adjustable continuous voltage, current, and signal. For example, in the control of various analog quantities in the TV control block, taking accompanying sound as an example, the pulse digital signal emitted by the remote control or button scanning is first input into the control block, and after the analog-to-analog conversion of the analog output module, a continuous voltage signal that can vary with the input signal is output. Then, the signal is used to control the accompanying sound channel, thereby controlling the volume, intensity, and contrast. In addition, analog output modules are not only used in these areas, but are now widely used in various intelligent applications.

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