SR469-P5-HI-A20-E来自GE Multilin,是SR 469电机管理继电器系列的一部分。该装置设计有 5 安培相位 CT 次级。SR 469 继电器设计用于中压电机,提供集成管理和保护。保持着多种不同 Multilin SR 469 继电器的现有库存。
SR469-P5-HI-A20-E 提供 70-265 VAC、90-300 VDC 控制电源。本机具有增强的前面板。但是,如果您需要可以在恶劣环境中使用的装置,请参阅我们的 SR469-P5-HI-A20-E-H 列表,除了额外的恶劣环境敷形涂层外,它在各个方面都与该装置相似。
SR469-P5-HI-A20-E 具有精心设计的前面板,易于使用。该面板包括一个 RS-232 程序端口接口,波特率为 9600 波特率,可编程高达 19,200 波特。该面板有一个可以密封的抽屉手柄,以防止任何形式的未经授权的拆卸。前面板有一个大型 LCD 显示屏,具有 <> 个字符的功能。用户可以通过此显示屏在本地查看跳闸或警报等诊断消息。此外,该面板还具有电机和输出状态指示器、单元指示器、数字键盘、控制和编程键(包括复位、转义和菜单按钮)以及允许用户更改设定值的值键。


SR469-P5-HI-A20-E comes from GE Multilin and is part of the SR 469 motor management relay series. The device is designed with a 5-ampere phase CT secondary. The SR 469 relay is designed for medium voltage motors, providing integrated management and protection. Maintain existing inventory of various Multilin SR 469 relays.
SR469-P5-HI-A20-E provides 70-265 VAC, 90-300 VDC control power supply. This machine has an enhanced front panel. However, if you need a device that can be used in harsh environments, please refer to our SR469-P5-HI-A20-E-H list. Apart from the additional harsh environment coating, it is similar to this device in all aspects.
SR469-P5-HI-A20-E features a carefully designed front panel for easy use. This panel includes an RS-232 program port interface with a baud rate of 9600 baud and programmable up to 19200 baud. This panel has a drawer handle that can be sealed to prevent any form of unauthorized disassembly. The front panel has a large LCD display screen with a function of<>characters. Users can view diagnostic messages such as trips or alarms locally through this display screen. In addition, the panel also features motor and output status indicators, unit indicators, numeric keyboards, control and programming keys (including reset, escape, and menu buttons), as well as value keys that allow users to change set values.



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