PCB(printed circuit board)即印制线路板,简称印制板,电子工业的重要部件之一。几乎每种电子设备,小到电子手表、计算器,大到计算机、通信电子设备、军用武器系统,只要有集成电路等电子元件,为了使各个元件之间的电气互连,都要使用印制板。印制线路板由绝缘底板、连接导线和装配焊接电子元件的焊盘组成,具有导电线路和绝缘底板的双重作用。它可以代替复杂的布线,实现电路中各元件之间的电气连接,不仅简化了电子产品的装配、焊接工作,减少传统方式下的接线工作量,大大减轻工人的劳动强度;而且缩小了整机体积,降低产品成本,提高电子设备的质量和可靠性。印制线路板具有良好的产品一致性, 它可以采用标准化设计,有利于在生产过程中实现机械化和自动化。


同时,整块经过装配调试的印制线路板可以作为一个独立的备件,便于整机产品的互换与维修。目前,印制线路板已经极其广泛地应用在电子产品的生产制造中。 印制线路板最早使用的是纸基覆铜印制板。自伴导体晶体管于20世纪50年代出现以来,对印制板的需求量急剧上升。特别是集成电路的迅速发展及广泛应用,健子设备的体积越来越小,电路布线密度和难度越来越大,这就要求印制板要不断更新。目前印制板的品种已从单面板发展到双面板、多层板和挠性板;结构和质量也已发展到超高密度、微型化和高可靠性程度;新的设计方法、设计用品和制板材料、制板工艺不断涌现。近年来,各种计算机辅助设计(CAD)印制线路板的应用软件已经在行业内普及与推广,在专门化的印制板生产厂家中,机械化、自动化生产已经完全取代了红操作。


At the same time, the entire assembled and debugged printed circuit board can serve as an independent spare part, facilitating the exchange and maintenance of the entire product. At present, printed circuit boards have been widely used in the production and manufacturing of electronic products. The earliest use of printed circuit boards was paper based copper clad printed boards. Since the emergence of semiconductor transistors in the 1950s, the demand for printed boards has sharply increased. Especially with the rapid development and widespread application of integrated circuits, the volume of semiconductor devices is becoming smaller, and the density and difficulty of circuit wiring are increasing, which requires printed boards to be constantly updated. At present, the variety of printed boards has developed from single panel to double-sided boards, multi-layer boards, and flexible boards; The structure and quality have also developed to ultra-high density, miniaturization, and high reliability; New design methods, design supplies, board making materials, and board making processes are constantly emerging. In recent years, various computer-aided design (CAD) application software for printed circuit boards have been popularized and promoted in the industry. Among specialized printed circuit board manufacturers, mechanized and automated production has completely replaced red operations.

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