8200-1302 是可用于控制蒸汽轮机的几种伍德沃德 505 数字调速器之一。该操作员控制面板充当图形界面和键盘,允许对涡轮机进行调整和通信。这可以通过位于设备上的 Modbus 通信端口进行配置。
8200-1302 具有多种可用功能:
- 热启动和冷启动的自动启动顺序,带温度输入选项
- 三速带上的临界速度回避
- 10 个外部报警输入
- 10 个外部 DI 跳闸输入
- 跳闸和报警事件的跳闸指示以及相关的 RTC 时间戳
- 双速和负载动态
- 超速跳闸的峰值速度指示
- 零速检测
- 远程下垂
- 频率死区

该装置包括两个冗余速度输入,可接受磁性拾取单元、涡流探头或电涡流探头。它具有模拟输入 (8),可以配置为 4 种功能中的任何一种。该装置还具有额外的 20 个触点输入。这些触点中的前四个默认为关断提高速度设定点、复位和降低速度设定点。其他的可以根据需要进行配置。此外,该装置还具有两个 <>-<> mA 控制输出和八个 Form-C 继电器触点输出。
8200-1302 的前面板包括紧急跳闸键、退格键/删除键、shift 键以及视图键、模式键、ESC 键和主页键。它还具有导航十字键、软键命令和四个 LED,用于关联控制和硬件的状态。

The device also provides three normal operating modes, including configuration, operation, and calibration modes.
The device includes two redundant speed inputs and can accept magnetic pickup units, eddy current probes, or electric eddy current probes. It has analog inputs (8) and can be configured as any of the four functions. The device also has an additional 20 contact inputs. The first four of these contacts default to the off increase speed setpoint, reset, and decrease speed setpoint. Others can be configured as needed. In addition, the device also has two<>-<>mA control outputs and eight Form-C relay contact outputs.
The front panel of 8200-1302 includes emergency trip keys, backspace/delete keys, shift keys, as well as view keys, mode keys, ESC keys, and home keys. It also has navigation cross keys, soft key commands, and four LEDs for correlating control and hardware status.

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