2-8406 型是伍德沃德基于 EGCP-121 微处理器的完整发电机控制和发动机管理包之一,用于自动化和保护基于燃气或柴油发动机的发电机组。
8406-121 的功能包括:
- 发动机控制
- 发电机组同步
- 实际 (kW) 负载控制
- 反应式 (kVAR) 控制
- 自动发电机排序(多台)
- 发电机组保护功能
- 发动机保护功能
- 通信 – PC 接口(通信功能的完整详细信息可在通信手册 26181 中在线找到)
8406-121 的输入电压额定值为 150–300 Vac PT 输入、9–32 Vdc,工作温度额定值为 –20 至 +70 °C。 储存温度额定值为 –40 至 +105 °C。 本机尺寸为 282 x 358 x 69 mm,包括一个带键盘的前面板和两个背光 LCD 显示屏。
两个屏幕显示操作信息、状态信息和调谐设定点。当发动机转速高于 50 rpm 时,背光灯保持亮起。当发动机不运转时,背光灯将在不使用5分钟后关闭。如果电源电压下降,它也会关闭以节省功率。显示屏旁边是一个红色LED,用于指示报警条件和关机条件。
安装和远程通信所需的组件不随 8406-121 一起提供,必须单独订购。EGCP-2 发动机发电机控制套件手册 26174 可以在上面的选项卡中找到。


The 2-8406 model is one of Woodward’s complete generator control and engine management packages based on the EGCP-121 microprocessor, used for automation and protection of gas or diesel engine based generator sets.
The functions of 8406-121 include:
Engine control
Generator set synchronization
Actual (kW) load control
Reactive (kVAR) control
Automatic generator sorting (multiple units)
Generator set protection function
Engine protection function
Communication – PC interface (complete and detailed information on communication functions can be found online in Communication Manual 26181)
The input voltage rating of 8406-121 is 150-300 Vac PT input, 9-32 Vdc, and the operating temperature rating is -20 to+70 ° C. The storage temperature rating is -40 to+105 ° C. The size of this machine is 282 x 358 x 69 mm, including a front panel with a keyboard and two backlit LCD displays.
Two screens display operation information, status information, and tuning set points. When the engine speed is above 50 rpm, the backlight remains on. When the engine is not running, the backlight will turn off after 5 minutes of inactivity. If the power supply voltage drops, it will also turn off to save power. Next to the display screen is a red LED used to indicate alarm and shutdown conditions.
The components required for installation and remote communication are not included with 8406-121 and must be ordered separately. EGCP-2 Engine Generator Control Kit Manual 26174 can be found in the tab above.


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