125800-01是Bently Nevada公司开发的Keyphasor I/0模块。它是3500/25增强型Keyphasor模块的一 部分。3500框架中的监视器模块接收来自半高的Keyphasor信号,这是一个双通道模块, 称为Keyphasor模块。当轴上的键相器标记与键相器传感器对齐时,模块使用磁性拾音器或接近探头检测对齐情况,并将输入信号转换为数字键相器信号。对于常规设置,3500机械保护系统最多可接受四个Keyphasor信号, 对于成对配置,最多可接受八个。


由转轴或齿轮每转一次或每转几次产生的关键相量信号 可用于精确识别正时。因此,3500监控模块和外部诊断I具可以测量轴转速和矢量特性,如1X振幅和相位。增强型Keyphasor模块是增强型3500系统模块。它改进了以前设计的Keyphasor信号处理能力,同时在形状、配合和功能方面保持与当前Keyphasor模块的完全向下兼容性,以用于旧系统。Keyphasor模块PWA 125792-01已被更新的149369-01模块完全取代。当三模冗余(TMR)应用需要系统Keyphasor輸入时,3500系统应使用两个Keyphasor模块。在这种设计中,这些模块同时向机架中的其他模块传送主要和次要Keyphasor信号。


125800-01 is a Keyphasor I/0 module developed by Bently Nevada. It is part of the 3500/25 Enhanced Keyphasor Module. The monitor module in the 3500 rack receives a half height Keyphasor signal, which is a dual channel module called the Keyphasor module. When the keyphasor markings on the shaft align with the keyphasor sensor, the module uses a magnetic pickup or proximity probe to detect alignment and convert the input signal into a digital keyphasor signal. For conventional settings, the 3500 Mechanical Protection System can accept up to four Keyphasor signals, and for paired configurations, up to eight can be accepted.

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