135137-01是一个带有内部终端的位置I/O模块, 用于前置器RPT或DC LVDT。它是由本特利内华达设计和开发的。它是3500/45监控 系统的一部分。该位置监视器是一个4通道装置, 可接收来自旋转电位计、接近传感器、DC线性可变差动变压器、交流线性可变差动变压器和旋转位置传感器(RPT)的输入。位置监视器的主要功能是提供以下功能:通过持续比较监控参数和预定义报警设定值来触发报警,从而保护机器。操作和维护人员的重要机器知识


Bently Nevada 3500/45位置监视器有四个通道,可接受来自接近传感器、旋转位置传感器(RPT)、DC线性可变差动变压器(AC LVDTs)、交流线性可差动变压器(交流LVDT)和旋转电位计的输入。该监控器的主要功能是通过持续比较监控的参数和配置的报警设定值来驱动报警,并为操作和维护收集关键的机器信息,从而保护您的机器。监视器在将输入与用户可编程的警报进行比较之前对其进行处理。监控通道成对编程,一次最多可执行其中两种功能。例如,通道1和2可以执行一种功能,而通道3和4可以执行相同或不同的功能。


135137-01 is a positional I/O module with internal terminals, such as a Proximitor RPT or DC LVDT. It was designed and developed by Bentley Nevada. It is part of the 3500/45 monitoring system. The position monitor is a 4-channel device that can receive inputs from rotary potentiometers, proximity sensors, DC linear variable differential transformers, AC linear variable differential transformers, and rotary position sensors (RPTs). The main function of the position monitor is to provide the following functions: to trigger alarms by continuously comparing monitoring parameters and predefined alarm settings, thereby protecting the machine. The Bently Nevada 3500/45 position monitor has four channels and can accept inputs from proximity sensors, rotating position sensors (RPTs), DC linear variable differential transformers (AC LVDTs), AC linear differential transformers (AC LVDTs), and rotary potentiometers, which are important machine knowledge for operation and maintenance personnel. The main function of this monitor is to drive alarms by continuously comparing monitored parameters and configured alarm settings, and to collect critical machine information for operation and maintenance, thereby protecting your machine. The monitor processes the input before comparing it with user programmable alarms. Monitoring channels are programmed in pairs and can perform up to two functions at a time. For example, channels 1 and 2 can perform a function, while channels 3 and 4 can perform the same or different functions.

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