2300监视器具有两个地震通道和速度通道,为防喷器提供持续监测和保护(工厂余额)设备。它与”主动出击” 完美的搭配管理您的资产,而不是等到生产停机更换设备。2300系列监视器支持基于状态的监控和支持各种接口和功能的保护。输入包括地震和速度传感器,输出包括继电器,缓冲输出,TCP/IP以太网和LCD显示器。这监视器可提供4-20 mA输出(2300/20)或aTrendMaster SPA线接口(2300/25)。2300/20监控器可用于取代传统的Bently Nevada监视器如1900/27,但更重要的是它是一个完整的功能监视器用于监控和保护资产, 如如马达、泵和风扇。监视器是软件可配置的,包括配置软件还有一个集成的LCD和多个led来本地显示通道的实时数据和状态。有效的工厂资产管理,特别是有效的车队机械资产的管理,往往依靠远程使用状态监测软件(如System 1)访问。


The 2300 monitor has two seismic and velocity channels, providing continuous monitoring and protection (factory balance) equipment for the blowout preventer. It is perfectly matched with ‘proactive’ management of your assets, rather than waiting for production downtime to replace equipment. The 2300 series monitors support state based monitoring and protection for various interfaces and functions. The inputs include seismic and velocity sensors, while the outputs include relays, buffered outputs, TCP/IP Ethernet, and LCD displays. This monitor can provide 4-20 mA output (2300/20) or aTrendMaster SPA line interface (2300/25). The 2300/20 monitor can be used to replace traditional Bently Nevada monitors such as 1900/27, but more importantly, it is a complete functional monitor used to monitor and protect assets such as motors, pumps, and fans. The monitor is software configurable, including an integrated LCD and multiple LEDs to display real-time data and status of the channel locally. Effective factory asset management, especially the management of fleet mechanical assets, often relies on remote access using condition monitoring software such as System 1.



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