
The analog input module is a device that collects analog signals from remote sites to a computer. Analog signals represent arbitrary values that continuously change within a certain range, representing a state that is opposite to digital signals. Generally, analog signals are used to collect and represent parameters such as voltage, current, or frequency of things. So it has also been said that it is used to collect analog quantities, such as voltage, current, or temperature, and then transmit them to the intelligent module on the computer through the RS485 bus.

Analog control technology has been widely applied in practical production and has become an important component in the automation industry and machine equipment. Analog signals are an important source of signal acquisition in daily life, which is different from our ordinary IO control, such as ZSDR3411-RTU from Zhongshan Technology. This is a switch input module, and these signals are either 0 or 1. If it is for analog signals, it is not simply 0 or 1, it is a continuously changing numerical value. Just like temperature signals, flow signals, displacement signals, and so on, these are not simply on or off, they are all continuously changing quantities.


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