以太网模块的主要作用就是对以太网上的传输信号进行调试和解调试把信号转换成可以让CPU识别和处理的有效数据的模块。以太网上的数据是以一种差分的形式传递的。处理器无法识读。所以需要以太网模块,将网络线上的信号转换为CPU能够识别的0和1这样的数据。同时有些以太网模块也按照TCP/IP协议,将网络. 上传递的数据进行转换。以太网模块的功能随着物联网行业的不断发展,生产以太网模块的厂家也越来越多,不同的以太网模块功能也有所不同,由成都众山生产的ZS-Ethernet-801嵌入式以太网模块,采用工业级设计,拥有超小,支持TCP/UDP协议双向透明传输,TTL串口转以太网通讯,采用高品质元器件配置。


The main function of the Ethernet module is to debug and debug the transmission signals on the Ethernet, converting the signals into effective data that can be recognized and processed by the CPU. The data on the Ethernet is transmitted in a differential form. The processor is unable to read. So an Ethernet module is needed to convert the signals on the network line into data such as 0 and 1 that the CPU can recognize. At the same time, some Ethernet modules also integrate the network according to the TCP/IP protocol Convert the data passed on. With the continuous development of the Internet of Things industry, there are more and more manufacturers producing Ethernet modules, and the functions of different Ethernet modules are also different. The ZS-Ethernet-801 embedded Ethernet module produced by Chengdu Zhongshan adopts an industrial grade design, has ultra small size, supports TCP/UDP protocol bidirectional transparent transmission, TTL serial port to Ethernet communication, and adopts high-quality component configuration.


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