产业的运动控制自从引入以来发生了变化科尔摩根高性能伺服驱动器。这科尔摩根S200驱动器设计用于与低功耗应用接口,而不影响性能。这S200系列驱动器以小尺寸提供许多控制选项。这s 21260-安全囊系统是一个紧凑型无刷伺服驱动器科尔摩根设计和制造。该驱动器是医疗、半导体制造、包装、电子装配等I业应用的理想选择。这s21260-安全气袁系统是Kollmorgen制造的S200伺服驱动器。当与连接时科尔摩根伺服电机S200驱动器提供了全面的伺服控制解决方案。变频器的持续额定电流为12安培,峰值额定电流为18安培。对于电压,S21260-SRS在所有电流下都支持120伏交流或240伏交流输入电压。该驱动器配有预装的SynqNet选项卡,带有标准RJ连接器。在40摄氏度的环境温度下,该驱动器在50摄氏度的环境温度下具有12.0 ARMS和8.0 ARMS的持续电流对流额定值。在三相电源提供的240伏交流电压下,驱动器-秒钟的输出功率为10000伏安 ,在单相电源提供的240伏交流电压下,输出功率为8000伏安。这s 21260-安全气袁系统支持交流线路最大电压为250千伏安。请注意,S200驱动器具 有高达800赫兹的最大速度环路带宽和24位高分辨率反馈。


The motion control of the industry has undergone changes since its introduction. Cole Morgan high-performance servo drives. This Colmorgan S200 driver is designed to interface with low-power applications without affecting performance. This S200 series drive offers many control options in a small size. This S 21260 airbag system is a compact brushless servo driver designed and manufactured by Cole Morgan. This driver is an ideal choice for applications in the medical, semiconductor manufacturing, packaging, electronic assembly, and other industries. This S21260 safety gas system is an S200 servo driver manufactured by Kollmorgen. When connected, the Cole Morgan servo motor S200 driver provides a comprehensive servo control solution. The continuous rated current of the frequency converter is 12 amperes, and the peak rated current is 18 amperes. For voltage, S21260-SRS supports 120 V AC or 240 V AC input voltage at all currents. This drive is equipped with a pre installed SynqNet tab and comes with a standard RJ connector. At an ambient temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, the driver has a continuous current convection rating of 12.0 ARMS and 8.0 ARMS at an ambient temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. The output power of the driver is 10000 VA per second at 240 VAC provided by a three-phase power supply, and 8000 VA per second at 240 VAC provided by a single-phase power supply. This S 21260 safety gas system supports a maximum voltage of 250 kVA for AC lines. Please note that the S200 drive has a maximum speed loop bandwidth of up to 800 Hz and 24 bit high-resolution feedback.



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