德国博世公司生产的DKC02.3-040-7-FW是DKC系列的交流伺服放大器驱动控制器。DKC02.3-040-7-FW的额定电流为40A,DC总线标称电压为DC 700V。这个伺服驱动器有一个版本3, 并带有标准固件。 Bosch 是 DKC 系列中的交流伺服放大器驱动控制器。DKC02.3-040-7-FW 的额定电流为 40A,直流母线标称电压为 DC 700V。此伺服驱动器的版本为 3,并带有标准固件。


The DKC02.3-040-7-FW produced by Bosch in Germany is an AC servo amplifier drive controller for the DKC series. The rated current of DKC02.3-040-7-FW is 40A, and the nominal voltage of the DC bus is DC 700V. This servo driver comes with version 3 and comes with standard firmware. Bosch is an AC servo amplifier drive controller in the DKC series. The rated current of DKC02.3-040-7-FW is 40A, and the nominal voltage of the DC bus is DC 700V. The version of this servo driver is 3 and comes with standard firmware.


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