控制器分组合逻辑控制器和微程序控制器,两种控制器各有长处和短处。组合逻辑控制器设计麻烦,结构复杂,- 旦设计完成,就不能再修改或扩充,但它的速度快。微程序控制器设计方便,结构简单,修改或扩充都方便,修改-条机器指令的功能,只需重编所对应的微程序;要增加一条机器指令,只需在控制存储器中增加一段微程序,但是,它是通过执行一段微程。 具体对比如下:组合逻辑控制器又称硬布线控制器,由逻辑电路构成,完全靠硬件来实现指令的功能。

EP3-E-4-A模块是NPMmodule的通信前端。本节概述了INFI-NET通信模块的工作原理。异常报告每个INFI 90开放模块为过程输入(点)建立异常报告程序。EP3-E-4-A异常报告 参数的一些例子 是高/低报警限值、最小最大报告时间间隔和量程变化百分比。当一个点的变化超过一个给定的参数,或一个报警状态改变时,模块产生一个异常报告。

The controller is divided into a combination logic controller and a microprogram controller, each with its strengths and weaknesses. The design of a combined logic controller is cumbersome and has a complex structure. Once the design is completed, it cannot be modified or expanded, but its speed is fast. The design of a microprogram controller is convenient, with a simple structure and easy modification or expansion. To modify the function of a machine instruction, only the corresponding microprogram needs to be reprogrammed; To add a machine instruction, simply add a microprogram to the control memory, but it is done by executing a microprogram. The specific comparison is as follows: a combination logic controller, also known as a hardwired controller, is composed of logical circuits and relies entirely on hardware to achieve the function of instructions.

The EP3-E-4-A module is the communication front-end of the NPM module. This section provides an overview of the working principle of the INFI-NET communication module. Exception reporting: Each INFI 90 open module establishes an exception reporting program for process inputs (points). Some examples of EP3-E-4-A exception reporting parameters are high/low alarm limits, minimum maximum reporting time interval, and percentage change in range. When a point changes beyond a given parameter or an alarm status changes, the module generates an exception report.

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