现场总线段之间也有电流隔离,从而防止多段接地故障导致多段故障。每个段都有自己的现场总线功率调节器和电流限制。当安装单个或冗余F80x模块时,现场总线段的终端自动保持。AnF809F- Plus诊断模块可选择安装在载体上,自动收集和分发八个现场总线段的诊断信息。通过将F809F-Plus作为现场总线设备分配给1段或8段供电段,或通过单独的现场总线段,可在Foxborocontrol系统中查看测量参数。 基板上提供了独立段的连接。有关更多信息,请参见F809F-Plus产品规格。冗余24V DC(标称。)输入电源可以使用Foxboro /a标准放大器连接器连接到F810底板。F80x电源模块和F809F-Plus现场总线诊断模块可以由同一个电源供电,或者,对于标准Foxboro电源不能提供足够电流容量的装置,可以连接外部24V DC电源。现场接线连接可采用可插拔螺钉端子(F810-PS)或可插拔弹簧夹端子(F810-PC)。


There is also current isolation between the on-site bus sections to prevent multiple ground faults from leading to multiple faults. Each segment has its own fieldbus power regulator and current limit. When installing a single or redundant F80x module, the terminal of the on-site bus section is automatically maintained. The AnF809F – Plus diagnostic module can be optionally installed on the carrier, automatically collecting and distributing diagnostic information for eight on-site bus sections. The measurement parameters can be viewed in the Foxborocontrol system by assigning the F809F-Plus as a fieldbus device to either 1 or 8 power supply segments, or through a separate fieldbus segment. Independent section connections are provided on the substrate. For more information, please refer to the F809F-Plus product specifications. Redundant 24V DC (nominal.) input power can be connected to the F810 backplane using Foxboro/a standard amplifier connectors. The F80x power module and F809F-Plus fieldbus diagnostic module can be powered by the same power source, or for devices where the standard Foxboro power supply cannot provide sufficient current capacity, an external 24V DC power supply can be connected. The on-site wiring connection can use pluggable screw terminals (F810-PS) or pluggable spring clip terminals (F810-PC).



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