Hydran 201Ti是一款小型在线预警发射器。它永久安装在变压器上,将为人员提供各种故障气体复合值的单个读数(以ppm为单位),以提醒他们注意潜在问题。可以下载该值,并且可以在预定级别设置警报,以提醒人员并监控正在发展的故障状况。
- 复合气体传感器,对氢气(一般故障气体)100%
响应,对二氧化碳(过热纸)敏感。 - 液晶显示屏。
- 标配RS-485连接。
- 提供Modbus或Hydran协议
- 耐真空气体萃取膜。
- 全系统自检和自诊断。
- 长达一年的数据和重大事件的本地日志记录。


The Hydran 201Ti is a small online warning transmitter. It is permanently installed on the transformer and will provide personnel with individual readings (in ppm) of various fault gas composite values to alert them to potential issues. This value can be downloaded and alerts can be set at predetermined levels to alert personnel and monitor developing fault conditions.
Composite gas sensor, 100% sensitive to hydrogen (general fault gas)
Response, sensitive to carbon dioxide (overheated paper).
LCD display screen.
Standard RS-485 connection.
Provide Modbus or Hydran protocol
Vacuum resistant gas extraction membrane.
Full system self check and self diagnosis.
Local logging of year-long data and major events.


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