燃气轮机开始成为工矿企业和公用事业的原动机组始于40年代后期,其最初被用作管道天然气输送及电网调峰。早期的操纵系统采纳了液压机械式气轮机调速器,并辅以气动温控,启机燃料限制稳固及手动程控等功能。余诸如超速、超温、着火、熄火、无润滑油及振动超标等爱护均由独立的装置来实现。随着操纵技术的飞K速进展,燃气轮机操纵系统显现了以燃料调剂器为代表的液压机械操动机构,以及用于启、停机自动操纵的继电器自动程序操纵。继电器自动程序操纵结合简单的报警监视亦可和SCADA(监控与数据采集)系统接口,用于连续遥控运行。这便是于1966年美国GE公司推出的第一台燃机电子操纵系统的雏形。该套系统;也确实是后来被定名为SPEEDTRONIC MARK的操纵系统,以电子装置取代了早期的燃料调剂器。

MARK I系统采纳固态系列元件模拟式操纵系统,大约50块印刷电路板,继电器型顺序操纵和输出逻辑。
MARK I在1973年开始使用。其改进要紧是采纳了固态逻辑系统,改善了启动热过渡过程,对应用的环境温度要求放宽了。在MARK I的基础上,对温度测量系统的补偿、剔除、运算等进行改型,在0年代后期生产出MARKII+ ITS,即增加了一集成温度系统。 对排气温度的操纵能力得以加强,要紧是对损坏的排气热电偶能够实现自动剔除。
MARK IV的显现是在1982年,这是在原先I型I型基础上做了较大的改进。第一采纳冗余微处理器和电路大量的集成化。

The MARK I system adopts a solid-state series of analog control components, consisting of approximately 50 printed circuit boards, relay type sequential control, and output logic.
MARK I began to be used in 1973. The key to its improvement is the adoption of a solid-state logic system, which improves the startup thermal transition process, and relaxes the environmental temperature requirements for applications. On the basis of MARK I, the compensation, elimination, and operation of the temperature measurement system were modified, and in the late 1990s, MARKII+ITS was produced, which added an integrated temperature system. The ability to manipulate exhaust temperature has been strengthened, and it is crucial to automatically remove damaged exhaust thermocouples.
The appearance of MARK IV was in 1982, which is a significant improvement on the original Type I and Type I. Firstly, redundant microprocessors and extensive integration of circuits are adopted.

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