应用程序协议包可以加载到以太网链路控制器I/O模块上,使艾默生能够扩展其PlantWeb数字建筑和Ovation系统超越了传统的工厂边境。一个这样的协议包是IEC (国际电工委员会) 61850, 它已成为变电站自动化(SA) 的全球标准。整合发电机、开关设备、输电线路、变压器和变电站中运用的电气设备的数据,推进整个组织做出更明智的决策。以太网链路I/O控制器模块对用户也具有重要的网络安全影响北美电力可靠性公司(NERC) 标准CIP-002至CIP-009为识别和维护关 键网络资产提供了网络安全框架,以支持散装电力系统的可靠运转。

作为遵守这些标准的一部分,发电机需求肯定其安全边境。Ovation控制器经过Ovation I/O总线与以太网链路控制器I/O模块通讯,Ovation I/0不是可路由协议。因此,安全周界在控制器处中止,不会延伸到工作站或更远的中央,从而为发电机提供了额外的信息隔离战争安措施Schilling总结道:”关于在当今充溢应战的环境中展开业务的电力和水资源组织来说, 以太网链路控制器模块的扩展功用可以转化为真正的竞争优势。

The application protocol package can be loaded onto the Ethernet link controller I/O module, allowing Emerson to expand its PlantWeb digital building and Ovation system beyond traditional factory boundaries. One such protocol package is IEC 61850, which has become a global standard for substation automation (SA). Integrate data on electrical equipment used in generators, switchgear, transmission lines, transformers, and substations to promote more informed decision-making throughout the organization. The Ethernet link I/O controller module also has important network security implications for users. The North American Power Reliability Corporation (NERC) standards CIP-002 to CIP-009 provide a network security framework for identifying and maintaining critical network assets to support the reliable operation of bulk power systems.

As part of complying with these standards, generators require recognition of their safe borders. The Ovation controller communicates with the Ethernet link controller I/O module through the Ovation I/O bus, and Ovation I/0 is not a routable protocol. Therefore, the security perimeter is suspended at the controller and does not extend to workstations or further centers, providing additional information isolation for generators. Schilling concludes, “The expanded functionality of the Ethernet link controller module can be transformed into a true competitive advantage for power and water resource organizations conducting business in today’s overcrowded and competitive environment.

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