ABBPP825A1、相对于市面上的串口服务器,Direct-Net专门增加设置参数,比市面串口服务器更灵活,可以根据工业控制领域的传输字节长度与反应速度设置相关参数。只在传统PLC控制系统上增加Direct-Net串口服务器,并借助原有的公司内部网络布线,为您节省了硬件成本。在服务器端安装虚拟串口软件,不需要对原有的传统控制软件做任何更改。减少开发难度及成本。可以与原有的传统系统兼容性的挂接在一台服务器下。PP825A5、经过变身后的系统,可以通过路由器接入到Internet中。PLC控制系统,Programmable Logic Controller,是可编程逻辑控制器,专为工业生产设计的一种数字运算操作的电子装置,它采用一类可编程的存储器,用于其内部存储程序,执行逻辑运算,定时,计数与算术操作等面向用户的指令,并通过数字或模拟式输入/输出控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。是工业控制的核心部分。

ABB I/O 模块是一种可扩展的模块化解决方案,可集成到 Premio 的工业计算机中,并通过即插即用的可扩展性提供增强的可靠性。这些附加模块有助于解决在崎岖边缘出现的设计限制和兼容性问题。ABB I/O 模块提供定制以满足特定 I/O 要求,从而在 严苛的边缘部署中实现稳健的 I/O 连接。采用 PCIe 通信标准设计构建,它创建了一个简单的,但多功能的解决方案可以在兼容的 Premio 系统之间互换,以实现完全优化的配置。EDGEBoost 模块直接安装到各自的 EDGEBoost 支架中,为用户提供了一种可扩展的方式来扩展他们的 I/O 需求,而无需进一步投资来为更多物联网设备提供动力。Premio 的 EDGEboost I/O 主要特性通过 PCIe 协议的互操作性ABB I/O 通过 Premio 的专有引脚设计进行设计,可轻松集成到兼容的 Premio 系统中,并且可以互换以获得更优化的配置。通过标准化的PCIe 协议,EDGEboost I/O 模块直接插入兼容 Premio 产品中 的 EDGEboost 支架,允许中央系统与其连接的设备之间进行无缝通信。EDGEBoost I/O 模块能够支持 新的变革性技术,例如 M.2 NVMe 存储和 M.2 AI 加速器,以实现实时推理功能。模块化和可扩展性。

ABBPP825A1. Compared to the serial port servers on the market, Direct Net specifically adds setting parameters, which is more flexible than the serial port servers on the market. It can set relevant parameters based on the transmission byte length and reaction speed in the industrial control field. Adding a Direct Net serial port server only to the traditional PLC control system and utilizing the existing internal network wiring of the company saves you hardware costs. Installing virtual serial port software on the server side does not require any changes to the original traditional control software. Reduce development difficulty and costs. It can be compatible with existing traditional systems and can be hooked under one server. PP825A5. The transformed system can be connected to the Internet through a router. PLC control system, Programmable Logic Controller, is a programmable logic controller designed specifically for industrial production as a digital operation electronic device. It uses a type of programmable memory to store programs internally, execute logic operations, timing, counting, and arithmetic operations, and control various types of mechanical or production processes through digital or analog input/output. It is the core part of industrial control

ABB I/O modules are a scalable modular solution that can be integrated into Premio’s industrial computers and provide enhanced reliability through plug and play scalability. These additional modules help address design limitations and compatibility issues that arise on rugged edges. ABB I/O modules provide customization to meet specific I/O requirements, enabling robust I/O connectivity in demanding edge deployments. Designed and built using the PCIe communication standard, it creates a simple but versatile solution that can be interchanged between compatible Premio systems to achieve fully optimized configurations. The EDGEBoost module is installed directly into their respective EDGEBoost brackets, providing users with a scalable way to expand their I/O needs without further investment to power more IoT devices. The main features of Premio’s EDGEboost I/O are designed through the interoperability of the PCIe protocol. ABB I/O is designed through Premio’s proprietary pin design, making it easy to integrate into compatible Premio systems and interchangeable for more optimized configurations. Through the standardized PCIe protocol, the EDGEboost I/O module is directly inserted into the EDGEboost bracket in compatible Premio products, allowing seamless communication between the central system and its connected devices. The EDGEBoost I/O module can support new revolutionary technologies, such as M.2 NVMe storage and M.2 AI accelerator, to achieve real-time inference functionality. Modularization and scalability.

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