NI在2002年发布了具有开创性的六位半FlexDMM PXI-4070。这个产品为工程师供给了传统精密仪器中内涵丈量应战的解决方案——改善有限的丈量吞吐量和灵活性。FlexDMM经过能够供给与价格数千美元的更高分辨率的数字万用表(DMM)相媲美的丈量吞吐量,克服了这些应战。NI在其发布之后,持续对FlexDMM进行立异,其间包括:将最高速丈量办法下的吞吐量前进了一倍添加了1.8 MS/s的阻隔高电压数字化仪办法发布了PXI-4070的PCI版别发布了PXI-4072六位半FlexDMM和LCR外表。最新的产品是NI PXI-4071七位半FlexDMM。全新的PXI-4071 FlexDMM供给了26比特精度和分辨率,与之前的FlexDMM设备比较,分辨率高出10倍,精度最多可前进60%。PXI-4071还供给了非常宽的丈量规模,如表1所示,因而您能够丈量从±10 nV直至1000 V的直流电压,±1 pA直至3 A的电流,10 µΩ直至5 GΩ的电阻,还能够进行频率/周期丈量以及二极管丈量。FlexDMM具有阻隔数字化仪办法特性,您能够以高达1.8 MS/s的采样速率,在一切电压和电流办法下,对直流耦合波形进行收集。本文档供给了FlexDMM与传统数字万用表模仿数字转化器(ADC)以及体系结构的具体比较。

As a digital multimeter, PXI-4071 can quickly and accurately measure voltage within the range of ± 10nV to 1000V, current within the range of ± 1pA to 3A, resistance between 10 µ Ω and 5 G Ω, as well as frequency/cycle and diode measurements. In the high voltage isolation digitizer mode, PXI-4071 can collect DC waveforms in all voltage and current modes at a collection rate of 1.8 MS/s. PXI-4071 has excellent speed, accuracy, and functionality, making it an ideal choice for automated testing in production and research environments. 1.8 MS/s waveform acquisition, 1000V isolation, 8 DC current range, current sensitivity up to 1 pA. The industry’s most accurate 7-bit half digital multimeter measures voltage within the range of ± 10nV to 1000 VDC (700 VAC), resistance measurement from 10 µ Ω to 5 G Ω ± 500 VDC/Vrms common mode isolation. PXI-4071 can also be used in conjunction with PXI switches to form a multi-channel high-voltage data acquisition system. The 12 channel, 600V multiplexer of PXI-2584 can be used in conjunction with PXI-4071 to test fuel cells or battery packs under 500 VDC/Vrms common mode isolation. PXI-2527 64 channel, 300 V multiplexer with higher channel count for low voltage, high-precision measurement.

NI released the groundbreaking six and a half bit FlexDMM PXI-4070 in 2002. This product provides engineers with a solution to the challenge of traditional precision instruments – improving limited measurement throughput and flexibility. FlexDMM overcomes these challenges by providing measurement throughput comparable to higher resolution digital multimeter (DMM) priced in thousands of dollars. After its release, NI continued to innovate on FlexDMM, including doubling the throughput under the fastest measurement method, adding a 1.8 MS/s barrier high voltage digitizer method, releasing the PCI version of PXI-4070, and releasing the six and a half bit FlexDMM and LCR appearance of PXI-4072. The latest product is the NI PXI-4071 seven and a half bit FlexDMM. The new PXI-4071 FlexDMM provides 26 bit accuracy and resolution, which is 10 times higher than previous FlexDMM devices and can advance accuracy by up to 60%. PXI-4071 also provides a very wide measurement scale, as shown in Table 1, so you can measure DC voltage from ± 10 nV to 1000 V, current from ± 1 pA to 3 A, resistance from 10 µ Ω to 5 G Ω, frequency/cycle measurement, and diode measurement. FlexDMM has barrier digitizer method characteristics, allowing you to collect DC coupled waveforms at a sampling rate of up to 1.8 MS/s under all voltage and current methods. This document provides a specific comparison between FlexDMM and traditional digital multimeter analog digital converters (ADCs) and their architecture

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