RCU501 KONGSBERG 康士伯 动力定位系统控制器独立动力定位系统通过传统的信号电缆和串行线与其他系统连接,如发电厂和推进器。综合动力定位系统通过双以太网LAN与其他KONGSBERG系统通信,如K-Chief(船舶自动化系统)和K-Thrust(推进器控制系统)。动力定位系统控制器计算推进器/螺旋桨施加的合力,以使船舶保持在原位。在位置保持操作中,K-Pos控制器可以在以下几种模式下工作,所有模式都具有特殊的特征:高精度控制:高精度动力定位系统控制在任何天气条件下提供高精度的位置保持,代价是功耗和机械及推进器的磨损。松弛调控:放松的动力定位系统控制更平稳地使用推进器,代价是位置保持精度。



RCU501 KONGSBERG Kongsberg Dynamic Positioning System Controller Independent Dynamic Positioning System is connected to other systems such as power plants and thrusters through traditional signal cables and serial cables. The integrated dynamic positioning system communicates with other KONGSBERG systems, such as K-Chief (Ship Automation System) and K-Thrust (Thruster Control System), through a dual Ethernet LAN. The dynamic positioning system controller calculates the combined force exerted by the thruster/propeller to keep the ship in place. In position keeping operation, the K-Pos controller can operate in the following modes, all of which have special characteristics: high-precision control: high-precision dynamic positioning system control provides high-precision position keeping under any weather conditions, at the cost of power consumption and mechanical and thruster wear. Relaxed regulation: The relaxed dynamic positioning system controls the use of thrusters more smoothly, at the cost of maintaining position accuracy.

The function of a trigger circuit is to provide a trigger signal to the output device. The output circuit of a solid-state relay is controlled by a low-frequency signal to achieve on-off switching of the solid-state relay. The output circuit mainly consists of an output device (chip) and an absorption circuit that plays a transient suppression role, sometimes including a feedback circuit. The input circuit of a solid-state relay provides a loop for the input control signal, making it the trigger signal source of the solid-state relay. The input circuit of solid-state relays is mostly DC input, and some are AC input. The DC input circuit is further divided into resistive input and constant current input. The input control current of the resistive input circuit varies linearly and positively with the input voltage. Constant current input circuit, when the input voltage reaches a certain value, the current no longer increases significantly with the increase of voltage. This type of relay can be suitable for a relatively wide input voltage range

However, this type of control cannot guarantee that the ship will stay within its operating area and is mainly applicable to calm weather conditions. Green DP Control: Konsberg has developed a unique powertrain positioning control system called GreenDP Control, which reduces fuel consumption and therefore reduces carbon monoxide emissions by 20%. The Green Democratic Party controls and protects ships to stay within designated operating areas. This new method is based on predicting the motion of ships, rather than taking action based on current conditions, using a method called “nonlinear model predictive control” that optimizes the predicted ship offset and avoids the use of thrusters. By doing so, small and short-term disturbances that do not force the ship to deviate from its operational boundaries are “filtered out”. This can achieve very smooth control, significantly reduce peak load, and significantly reduce propeller wear, which is part of the Konsberg Green Ship Strategy.
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